Used Equipment

A Riding Floor Scrubber Poses Several Advantages for Your Business

Industrial, commercial floor-cleaning equipment proves a crucial tool to keeping establishments clean and well maintained. Because floors sustain heavy traffic, they are exposed to lots of dirt, grime, and debris everyday. This makes it difficult for cleaners using traditional tools, like mops, to retain the floor’s shine and cleanliness. With a riding floor scrubber, however, your staff can accomplish the job more easily and more effectively.


Finish the Task Faster

Operators can clean floors with a riding floor scrubber faster than other methods. For one, the machine capacitates large amounts of cleaning solution. This eliminates numerous cleaning-solution refills by the operator, thus reducing the time it takes to clean the floor. In fact, the operator can save 30 minutes per cleaning cycle when on a riding scrubber.

Clean a Wider Space

A riding floor scrubber propels itself, enabling it to cover a bigger and wider scope than that of a walk-behind machine. This means that the operator can clean larger spaces in fewer rounds, making the process faster and more labor efficient.

Increase Productivity and Quality

Operators can be more productive when using a riding floor scrubber. Since they can clean faster and easier, they don’t become exhausted. They will then have time and energy to work on other core tasks that are sometimes ignored because the staff needed to finish cleaning the floor first. The quality of work this machine can achieve is higher as well. Thanks to its powerful engine and special cleaning solutions, it’s able to remove dirt and debris that can stick to the floor. This makes the floors cleaner without requiring the operators to work harder than necessary.

Dry Out Quicker

After cleaning, it is never long afterward that the continuing floor traffic again sullies the floors. The scrubber accounts for the rapid turnaround in foot traffic by spraying quick-drying water on the floor instead of more solution that doesn’t dry as quickly. The operation of your business is therefore not hampered by the floor-cleaning operation.

These are some of the reasons you should use a riding floor scrubber to maintain your property’s floors. There’s a range of industrial sweepers and scrubbers on the market, so make sure that you evaluate each of them to determine the one that will best meet your establishment’s needs.

What is a Floor Scrubber?,
How Do I Choose the Best Floor Scrubber?,