Used Equipment

Safety Precautions for Industrial Floor Cleaning Machines

Commercial business owners understand the importance of keeping their businesses as clean, safe and sanitary as possible. When they want to make daily cleanup convenient and efficient, they invest in industrial floor cleaning machines from top vendors such as PowerBoss. A significant part of investing in one of these machines involves knowing how to use them safely. Follow these tips to use your industrial floor scrubbers safely.

Industrial Cleaning Machines

Safety Tips

The first time you use an industrial floor scrubber can be intimidating, however, the newest models on the market prove easy to use. Owners can choose either walk-behind cleaners or riding scrubbers. Both options allow business owners to maintain the levels of cleanliness and sanitation required by OSHA and local health inspection laws.

Wearing the right personal protective gear can keep you safe while using floor cleaning equipment. For example, whether you ride on a scrubber or push a cleaner from behind, you should wear safety goggles to protect your eyes.

People with sensitive ears also may wear ear plugs while using this equipment. These machines have powerful engines that can be a bit noisy for someone who is not used to the sound these cleaners make. Likewise, they are advised to wear non-slip shoes. These cleaners leave floors so clean that they can be shiny and slippery. Someone who is walking behind or climbing off a scrubber could slip and fall if he or she is wearing shoes that lack non-slip soles.

Finally, people who operate ride-on scrubbers are reminded to wear their safety belts while using the equipment. The belts will prevent them from falling off the machine and getting injured.

Floor Scrubber Safe Work Practices and Procedures